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Voice of Christian Youth America, aka, the VCY America Radio Network, is a traditional, evangelical Christian ministry based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which plays only sacred music and spirituals through all of its broadcast outlets. Originally known as, “Milwaukee Youth For Christ,” and later, “Greater Milwaukee Youth For Christ,” it left the national YFC organization, in 1973, and became known as the Wisconsin Voice of Christian Youth (WVCY) until 1995, when it changed to its present name. The ministry operates 16 VCY America-owned radio stations in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Kansas and South Dakota and five low-power translators,[1][2] which are carried on the VCY America Radio Network. This does not include its Internet site and “translator” and “satellator” stations. VCYAmerica radio provides programming via satellite to stations around the country. The network also runs a Christian television station out of Milwaukee, known as WVCY-TV30, which now broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The broadcast network is 100 percent supported through listeners’ donations. The ministry also operates a Summer camp, near Hillsboro, Wisconsin, called, “Trail Ridge Camp,”[3] as well as the “VCY Bookstore” in Milwaukee, which is also online.[4] The ministry is run by a team headed by Vic Eliason, a former Youth for Christ worker, ordained Christian minister and a recipient of an honorary doctorate from Bob Jones University, in 2001.[5]

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